Regular Support

This page intends to give you a brief explanation of how you support Lenders with SLCR in Regular Support.


SLCR holders can support any lender on SOLARR platform by locking their SLCR anytime, and the SLCR locked can be unlocked anytime, participating in Regular Support of Support Lenders to Earn. This provide a flexible locking to earn environment for the supporters participating in Regular Support.

Total reward distributed to supporters who locked SLCR to one specific lender will be calculated by 0.4% of the Total Interest Received generated by this specific lender's loan transactions.

If there are more than one supporter who locked SLCR to one specific lender at the same time, the total reward will be split to supporters proportionally by the amount of SLCR each supporter locked.

Moreover, in order to ensure the fairness of distributing rewards to 'real' supporters for a specific lender, only the Total Interest Received of the loan transactions which borrowers accept offer occurred after one supporter locked SLCR, will be counted for reward calculation of this specific supporter.

Simply saying, the applicable loan transactions of one specific lender for generating reward distributed to one specific supporter must fulfill the following two conditions:

  1. Borrower accept loan offer occurred after the supporter locked SLCR

  2. Borrower return and complete loan terms occurred before the supporter unlocked SLCR each supporter to claim when they unlock their SLCR

Hints for Supporters

In Regular Support of Support Lenders by SLCR to Earn, always remember that you are supporting specific lenders, which means that the lending activities and transactions of the lender that you support by SLCR would affect your earnings from locking SLCR.

Other than the Lender Leadership Board as provided by SOLARR and shown on platform, the past performance (including all historical loan transactions) of each lender could be checked on SOLARR platform, that may be one of the indicators for you to decide which lender would be worth to support with your SLCR.

However, be aware that some new lenders may also have surprising performance.

Don't miss out the opportunity to support lenders and earn with SLCR!

Click here to learn more about Regular Support from a case scenario.

Last updated